Life with Jesus, in Community,
on Mission, for the Kingdom of God

How we do Ministry
We have two groups, middle school (6-8th grade) and high school (9-12th grade). Our mission is to live life with Jesus, as a community of believers, on mission for the Kingdom of God. See below to hear about a few of the main ways we live this out!

On Wednesday evenings we gather from 6:30-8:30 with both middle school and high school. The first 45 minutes we spend all hanging out in the atrium, with the option to play 9-square or socialize. Around 7:15 we split into two teaching rooms, with middle school in one and high school in the other. The teaching typically lasts around an hour. The night may end in small groups, worship, or both! New people and friends are always welcome!
On Sundays we gather during the first service, at 9am. We typically split into small groups called D-groups, where we study a book of the Bible. The high school D-groups are led by students who have been selected and trained to lead the study. The middle school groups are led by our adult volunteer leaders. New people and guests are always welcome!

Every spring and fall we go on a weekend retreat. There are separate retreats for middle school and high school. These weekends are designed to give students a break from the rush of normal life, and give them time to enjoy friendship, fellowship, and worship. We have four teachings throughout the weekend, as well as fun activities and excursions.
Kingdom Week
Kingdom Week is a week long retreat that happens annually at the beginning of June. We stay in host homes around Wadsworth and spend time serving the community, listening to teachings, and worshiping King Jesus. This is a unique week where students live together, serve together, and worship together.

Yucatan Mission Trip
Every year we take a group of high school students to the Yucatan Peninsula, where we serve a small village in the area. We run an ESL class and a VBS, as well as sending out a serving team to do manual labor and serving projects in the village. We also have a team that visits homes to build friendships and share the gospel with the people of the village.