Welcome to

The Chapel in Wadsworth

We’re glad you’re here!

We’re grateful you took the time to visit, and we hope to see you soon at our weekend services. The Church is more than an event or a building, we are the body of Christ. Our church is made up of flawed, broken, imperfect humans who require grace daily. On our own we are hopeless; through the mercy, love, and sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ, we have found a Great Hope.

What can you expect?

Join us for a Sunday morning service at 9:00 or 10:40 a.m. Both services are the same in format and content. We sing a blend of contemporary and traditional songs and hymns, participate in Scripture reading and prayer, and hear a sermon from God’s Word.

What should I wear?

Wear what makes you comfortable. We invite you to come as you. You’ll see anything from jeans and T-shirts to full suits. No matter what, we welcome you.

When should I arrive?

Generally, 10 minutes early will give you plenty of time to park, come in, and find a seat before service starts. For parents with children, arriving 15 minutes before service is a good idea.

Where should I park?

You can anticipate easy access to a clearly marked parking lot. Once parked, you can walk through our main entrance into our open atrium with fresh coffee and friendly faces. From the atrium, three sets of double doors lead you into our worship center.

Handicap accessible at the front entrance.

What about my kids?

We have groups for kids from Nursery & Preschool all the way through High School.

Our volunteers are all background checked and required to attend several training sessions each year, with your child’s security and well-being as a focus. We do ask that children be symptom-free and no longer contagious with illness for 24 hours to help us protect the health of our little ones. Please let us know of any conditions, allergies, or medical needs that may apply to your child.

The Chapel in Wadsworth

Sunday services: 9:00am & 10:40am
Office hours: 9am-3pm Mon.-Thurs.
Address: 1391 State Rd Wadsworth, OH 44281
Phone: 330.315.5421
Email: office@tcw.church